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Uchenna Bekee
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Uchenna F. Bekee​

President / Director


L. G. A, Umuajuoha in, Aba, Nigeria

Supported by Carrollton church of Christ since 2011.

Click below to support directly via PayPal.

About the Work

Great Hidden Treasure Christian Schools is a faith-based project that provides Christian education for school-age children located in Rivers State, Nigeria.

HTCS seeks to provide activities to assist the well-rounded development of each student; A development similar to Jesus' development in Luke 2:52; “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.”​


​Due to continued support throughout the brotherhood, Brother Uchenna has been able to purchase and build the school's very own property and buildings and provide a fully staffed educational environment for the children in Rivers State, Nigeria.

​The campus is continually being improved upon in order to provide the best educational services possible as well as fulfilling any local and federal government requirements that are required to maintain the Hidden Treasure Schools' accreditation.

​Please consider making a personal commitment to support this work, or present this work to your church leadership as a Christian effort worthy of sustained support.​

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us, as the Carrollton church of Christ has sent men directly to Port Harcourt in order to meet Brother Uchenna Bekee and to examine the works that operate under his leadership.


In 2011, the elders at the Carrollton (formerly West Georgia) church of Christ received a request for support directly from Brother Uchenna. After a significant investigation of Brother Uchenna and his work, the elders received endorsements from members of the Lord's church throughout the U.S. and Africa. It was decided then that this work was not only worthy of financial support but that the Carrollton congregation would take on a key role in supporting Brother Uchenna and HTCS.

In March of 2016, our very own Brother Dennis Gray (one of our elders at West Georgia church of Christ at that time), and Neil Vines (one of our deacons) traveled to Port Harcourt, Nigeria to visit Brother Uchenna and the work going on at HTCS. They returned with a glowing report of the work there, as well as an encouraging view of the future of this effort. The report of their visit is available for view here.

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About Brother Uchenna

Uchenna has been a minister and evangelist of the church of Christ for many years. He currently serves as President and Director of HTCS while also performing his regular responsibilities as a minister of the church, as well as being the father of five children.

Great Hidden Treasure Christian Schools began as an outgrowth of Evangelist Uchenna Bekee's concern regarding academic growth and Christian conduct, as well as a strong desire to fulfill the continuity of the faith of our fathers. He continues to direct this work and almost single-handedly solicits the necessary financial support to maintain this work.

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